Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Up Again?!

I guess I thought last week was a fluke, and that when CNN got into its 207th hour of showing the same footage of an oil rig everyone would start to calm down. Instead, I come home from work, turn on OPB, and find out the price has jumped another 18 cents. Well, one thing's constant at least--we're back to being above the national average again. I'm glad I don't have to drive every day.

I can't believe that the price might go up again tomorrow, too, but all the talking heads seem to think it probably will. They kept using phrases like "unpredicted shortfall" and "ominous silence from the OPEC nations." I don't know what that means, exactly. I guess I'll be doing some research tonight; I have class again with that professor tomorrow, and I bet he assigns us something about gas prices and control of the oil supply. That man loves OPEC; I think his idea of heaven is to become the head of an oil-producing state.

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